Diary of a Slope Struggler (aka: The Gingers Attempt to Ski)

Eight days, no kids, beautiful snow-covered Colorado mountains. Best.Vacation.Ever. Those were the thoughts running through our minds as we coordinated child care, made reservations and booked our flights, anyway. How hard could the skiing part actually be? I’d already dug through hundreds of websites instructing me on how to layer my clothes, how to go faster, turn, stop, etc. I even watched a video on how to properly get up after a fall (although I assumed I wouldn’t need it because professionals don’t fall. And really, wouldn’t you just….stand up? Might not have paid enough attention to that one….) So between September when we started planning the trip and late January when we finally went, we’d hyped ourselves up for the most blissful, relaxing, memory-making eight days of our lives. You know how it goes….best laid plans and all… Continue reading