SQUIRREL! unfinished projects

When I posted a few months ago about making a conscious effort to stop overcommitting and find more time to just BE, I didn’t intend to go all MIA, but here we are a couple of months later. Oops. In my defense, I’m not a natural writer so it’s impossible for me to do this unless I seclude myself in the bedroom and forbid interruptions (and you can guess about how well that works….). I legit have at least 4 posts that have been drafted up on lunch breaks only to sit and chill until the next time I’m inspired enough to skip a lunch and work on them. Since nothing’s actually COMPLETE, I thought it only appropriate to give a little update on some of the projects you may have read about in earlier posts and drop some teasers about things that maybe one day might possibly (if I get off my tail and work on them) get finished.  Continue reading