Gingers in New York – Part 2

For months I’d been planning to take the hubs on a surprise trip to NYC for our anniversary and the time had finally arrived. Since getting away without the kiddos often means shorter trips, I was bound and determined to cram as much as possible into three days. And by three days I mean fly in on Friday and out on Sunday. So basically we had one full day. We got this, Saturday. No pressure. Continue reading

Gingers in New York – Part 1

To celebrate our 14th anniversary, I decided to put a tiny little getaway together. During planning, the trip managed to go from an overnighter in Savannah to a weekend in Manhattan at the Lotte New York Palace, but hey, when these things start escalating, sometimes you just gotta tuck and roll. It’s FOR THE MARRIAGE, right?! Continue reading

Crap in the Attic

So….I know it’s been a while since I’ve posted, but we’ve been a little busier than our normal ain’t-got-no-time selves. You see, we randomly decided to move down the road. Up and bought a house. NBD. Yes, we had one that was perfectly fine. No, we had no intentions of going anywhere, weren’t looking, hadn’t considered it. But here we are, attempting to settle into a new (old) home after a few months of complete chaos.

See what had happened was…. Continue reading

SQUIRREL! unfinished projects

When I posted a few months ago about making a conscious effort to stop overcommitting and find more time to just BE, I didn’t intend to go all MIA, but here we are a couple of months later. Oops. In my defense, I’m not a natural writer so it’s impossible for me to do this unless I seclude myself in the bedroom and forbid interruptions (and you can guess about how well that works….). I legit have at least 4 posts that have been drafted up on lunch breaks only to sit and chill until the next time I’m inspired enough to skip a lunch and work on them. Since nothing’s actually COMPLETE, I thought it only appropriate to give a little update on some of the projects you may have read about in earlier posts and drop some teasers about things that maybe one day might possibly (if I get off my tail and work on them) get finished.  Continue reading

Committing to Uncommit

Y’all….I don’t know about you, but I am TIRED. That bone-weary, want to take a sick day and not get out of bed tired. Is this that metabolism shift that everybody warned me was coming in my 30’s? Is it being responsible for three kids? Am I slightly lazy?? ALL OF THE ABOVE?! It seems like there is always something. Something to go to, to put together, to prepare for, to CLEAN (we’re gonna pretend like I do that for a sec, mmkay?). Continue reading

To THAT Parent in the Carpool Line

IMG_8171[1]It’s the start of a new school year and by now I’m sure we’ve all seen the inevitable posts from frustrated parents venting about that ONE car in the drop-off line that holds everybody up. The “get your crap together before it’s your child’s turn to exit the vehicle” posts. The “some of us actually have a job we have to get to” soap-boxes. And the “if your kid has so much stuff that you have to pop the trunk to haul it all out you’d be better off parking” commentaries. I recently saw a picture floating around the social media world sarcastically depicting when you should and should not use carpool. Continue reading

50 Shades of Gray and I Wind Up With Baby Blue

I tried. I really did. I used an app to match the gray color in the rug that I liked. I got sample after sample after sample and painted swatches on every single wall in the dining room. Took pictures with lights on, lights off, blinds open, blinds closed. Squinted. Asked for opinions. Got a fourth of a wall done before starting over. And in the end, I have a baby blue dining room. A BABY BLUE dining room. Par for the course for me when it comes to paint color picking…..*sigh* Continue reading