Mountain Dews are HOW Many Points??! #weightwatcherfailing

If anybody remembers the Muscles or Mtn Dew? post, you know that my desire to get back in shape is a teensy bit less than my desire to eat whatever the heck I want. I love food. I REALLY LOVE food. Unfortunately I also love comfy clothes and lounging around doing nothing. Know what those things together equal? The perfect combination for packing on some extra insulation. Continue reading

50 Shades of Gray and I Wind Up With Baby Blue

I tried. I really did. I used an app to match the gray color in the rug that I liked. I got sample after sample after sample and painted swatches on every single wall in the dining room. Took pictures with lights on, lights off, blinds open, blinds closed. Squinted. Asked for opinions. Got a fourth of a wall done before starting over. And in the end, I have a baby blue dining room. A BABY BLUE dining room. Par for the course for me when it comes to paint color picking…..*sigh* Continue reading

Solo in Seattle – Best Laid Plans….

I recently had the opportunity to travel to Everett, Washington (about 40 miles north of Seattle) for a work conference. I’m not an experienced traveler by any means and I’d NEVER traveled alone before. What exactly does one do all the way across the country slap by themselves? Can a woman eat at a nice restaurant alone without looking like an escort waiting for her next client (hub’s words, not mine)? Should I just plan on 4 nights of room service and watching hotel television? McDonald’s value meals in my rental car?! Continue reading